Worried about environment? - Don't buy anything.

 Overconsumption is a real problem while most of world's population still faces uncertainty to meet daily needs.

I am confused when I see a product/ company that proclaims buying this / that helps the environment.

Every action including each letter typed on the internet has a carbon footprint.

To be really conscious about environment and do our bit to help the planet.

I am only referring to things all of us can do irrespective of where we are.

  • Don't buy anything. Buy as less as you need.
  • Reduce time spent online - 4 billion + people are active on internet. If 4 billion people reduce time spent online by 1 minute a day for 365 days.. that is some real impact.
  • Reuse/ use things for longer - I know we need things to survive and live but can we buy second hand? Can we reuse things we have? Can we use things we have for longer durations?
  • Business travel - While I personally believe business travel is critical to build relationships and establish trust, everyday there are better communication technologies that can be used to reduce travel. Not only does it help the environment but it also helps our well being.
  • Grow - Grow your food. Of course you cannot grow everything but what is stopping you from growing one thing that can be used for at least one day? The compound effect of everyone growing one plant that they can eat is humongous. 
  • Distance of products - Try to eat/ buy things that are made/ grown/ processed as close as possible to where you live. Swiss chocolate is fancy but it is exactly our desire to buy products made thousands of kilometres away that increases environmental degradation. 


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